孕婦瑜伽一百問 第一問:孕期前二個月可以做瑜珈? #台中孕婦瑜伽
孕期一百問: 第一問:孕期前二個月可以做瑜珈? 答:孕期前二個月為八週期間, 1]已在瑜伽課上學員可以直接不間斷的學習。 2]孕期前有其他運動未發現懷孕,在發現後若本有其他常態運動可以接續瑜伽的練習。 3]從未練習要以醫生判斷為基準問過再練習。 4]子宮出血現象皆不適合練習,宮縮會壓迫子宮內,寶貝還未長成,一旦壓迫收縮容造成流產現象,需要很小心,暫時不練習。 #吳櫻芝瑜伽老師 #GigiYoga Taiwan Taichung One hundred questions during pregnancy: Question 1: Can I do yoga in the first two months of pregnancy? Answer: The first two months of pregnancy are eight weeks, 1] Students who have already attended the yoga class can study directly and uninterruptedly. 2] If you have other sports before pregnancy and you are not pregnant, if you have other normal sports after you find out, you can continue yoga practice. 3] If you have never practiced, you should ask the doctor's judgment as a benchmark before practicing. 4] Uterine bleeding is not suitable for practice. Uterine contractions will compress the uterus. The baby has not yet grown up. Once the compression contraction causes miscarriage, you need to be very careful and do not practice for the time being. #PregnantYoga #Yoga #yogateacher #yogapractice #Pregnant #台中瑜珈教室 #台中瑜伽 #台中瑜珈 #台中舞蹈教室 #台中孕婦瑜珈 #台中北屯孕婦瑜伽 #台中北屯孕婦瑜珈 #台中瑜珈課程 #台中北屯瑜伽 #台中瑜珈師資培訓 #台中瑜伽老師 #台中文心路崇德路瑜珈教室 #台中九宮格瑜珈教室