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瑜伽教學一千問: A thousand questions about yoga teaching: Gigi瑜伽教學課上常見一千問: Thousands of common questions in Gigi yoga teaching classes: 第一問: 問: 下犬式初學者背無法直,要先從哪裡用力? 答: O一壓:胸部乳房後面的背部部分先下壓。 O二壓:十指手指跟手掌心叫掌跟,再撐大。 O三壓:屁股尾部一推上去天花板方向。 O四壓:後下背部,這裡指的是肚臍後面O往下的後下腰背。 O五壓:上面一壓跟三壓的中間段背部。 O六壓:下身體腳下方膝蓋後側膝蓋關節後方。 O七壓:踝關節後方。 2022/12/14 First question: ask: Beginners in down dog pose can't straighten their backs, where should they exert their strength first? answer: O one press: The back part behind the chest breast is pressed down first. O Second pressure: The ten fingers and the palm of the hand are called the heel of the palm, and stretch it further. O three presses: Push the tail of the buttocks up to the ceiling. O four pressure: back lower back, here refers to the lower back of the back of the belly button where the O goes down. O five presses: the upper one press and the third press on the back of the middle section. O Six pressures: lower body, behind the knees, behind the knees, behind the knee joints. O seven pressure: behind the ankle. 2022/12/14 #yogapractice #Yoga #yogateacher #yogaquestions #GigiYoga #gigiyogataiwantaichung #台中瑜伽老師 #台中瑜伽 #台中瑜珈
