瑜伽學員一千問:第二問 學員問:我的筋很硬,可以學瑜伽嗎?
瑜伽學員一千問:第二問 學員問:我的筋很硬,可以學瑜伽嗎?我很害怕拉筋,因為拉筋很痛,我還會抖的很厲害,感覺不舒服。 Gigi瑜伽教學學員課上常見一千問: A thousand questions from yoga students: Gigi Yoga teaching students frequently asked a thousand questions: 第二問 學員問:我的筋很硬,可以學瑜伽嗎?我很害怕拉筋,因為拉筋很痛,我還會抖的很厲害,感覺不舒服。 老師答: 可以的,瑜伽並不是講求柔軟,只是說練習久了以後,可以慢慢柔軟,身體練習的感覺會更順暢,上課的時候,老師會從地板上坐著好控制的坐姿勢,跟手勢動作多做練習,循序漸進的再站起來做瑜伽拜日式的基礎12式動作,因為拜日式是瑜伽基本動作,一定要練得的,然後緩慢的和緩的進行,請放心練習,而抖動都是正常的,老師知道您很害怕跟在意,就會幫你多注意一下,動作放更慢喔,要加油,試試吧。 second question A student asked: My tendons are very stiff, can I learn yoga? I was very afraid of Lajin, because it was very painful, and I was shaking very badly, feeling uncomfortable. The teacher answered: Yes, yoga does not emphasize softness, it just means that after practicing for a long time, you can gradually become softer, and the feeling of body practice will be smoother. During class, the teacher will sit on the floor in a controlled sitting posture, with more gestures and movements Do exercises, step by step and then stand up and do the basic 12 poses of yoga sun salutation, because sun salutation is a basic yoga pose, you must practice it, and then do it slowly and gently, please rest assured to practice, and shaking is normal Yes, the teacher knows that you are afraid and concerned, so he will help you pay more attention and move more slowly. Come on, try it. GIGI2022/12/15 #吳櫻芝老師 #yogapractice #Yoga #yogateacher #yogaquestions #GigiYoga #gigiyogataiwantaichung #台中瑜伽老師 #台中瑜伽 #台中瑜珈課程