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產後瑜伽學員100問問題1,產後媽媽問: 第一問: 我是自然產,生完七天了,懷孕期的水腫,怎麼消除?


產後瑜伽學員100問問題1,產後媽媽問: 第一問: 我是自然產,生完七天了,懷孕期的水腫,怎麼消除?

產後瑜伽學員100問問題1 100 questions for postpartum yoga students, question 1 GigiYoga Taiwan Taichung 產後媽媽問: 第一問: 我是自然產,生完七天了,懷孕期的水腫,怎麼消除? 老師答: 產後可以喝黑豆水可以消腫,而瑜伽的動作有二個叫(1)長坐:兩腳直直往前擺好,雙手抓腳慢慢往前壓,膝蓋打直。(2)金剛跪坐式:坐在腳跟小腿上面。 以上動作在月期間持續早晚各每次練習做一吸氣一吐氣腹部呼吸,可以跪床上,因為產後媽媽的腫脹問題特別嚴重,所以非常不舒服,然後早晚三十次以上。 要持之以恆練習才能很有效果喔。 Postpartum mother asks: First question: I gave birth naturally, seven days after giving birth, how can I get rid of the edema during pregnancy? The teacher answered: After giving birth, you can drink black soybean water to reduce swelling, and there are two yoga movements called (1) Long sitting: put your feet straight forward, grasp your feet with both hands and slowly press forward, and straighten your knees. (2) Vajra Kneeling Pose: Sit on the heels and calves. The above actions will be continued during the first month of the month, and each time you practice one inhalation and one exhalation abdominal breathing, you can kneel on the bed, because the swelling problem of postpartum mothers is particularly serious, so it is very uncomfortable, and then more than 30 times in the morning and evening. It takes constant practice to be very effective. Gigi2022/12/15 #吳櫻芝老師 #gigiyogataiwantaichung #產後瑜伽 #產後瑜珈 #Yoga #yogateacher #YogaAsana #台中瑜伽老師 #台中瑜伽 #台中瑜珈 #台中北屯瑜伽 #台中北屯瑜珈
