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孕婦瑜伽一百問: 第三問:孕期常感覺暈眩是為什麼?那瑜伽可以和緩嗎?


孕婦瑜伽一百問: 第三問:孕期常感覺暈眩是為什麼?那瑜伽可以和緩嗎?

孕期一百問 2022/12/15 答:懷孕後身體的神經免疫系統會有強大的轉變,而因為身體的條件跟本身家族疾病遺傳等等原因,有一些孕婦媽媽會常感覺暈眩,尤其在前期三個月時,整個身體機制改變跟心情衝擊都會有的,常見原因:1)懷孕前就低血壓問題。2)懷孕後孕吐或感覺不適應的心情,也會伴隨暈眩感。3)因一懷孕怕影響胎兒選擇多躺著休息,休息過久循環不好也會喔腦部缺氧循環不好,也會暈暈感。4)孕期後血壓高低上下不一一定。以上常見,Gigi老師也要給孕媽咪建議,還是要到醫院與產科醫生檢查後確定,改變心情跟作息也許很快改善。 修煉瑜伽體位法,可以活氧腦部的感覺,增強循環感,暈眩容易和緩喔,應該很需要試試,媽咪們加油囉。 因為我懷孕二胎也是暈暈常有很有體會喔。 One hundred questions during pregnancy, one hundred questions about yoga for pregnant women: Question 3: Why do I often feel dizzy during pregnancy? Can yoga be gentle? 2022/12/15 Answer: After pregnancy, the body's neuroimmune system will undergo a strong change. Due to physical conditions, family diseases, and other reasons, some pregnant mothers often feel dizzy, especially in the first three months. There will be changes and emotional shocks. Common reasons: 1) Low blood pressure before pregnancy. 2) Morning sickness or feeling uncomfortable after pregnancy will also be accompanied by dizziness. 3) For fear of affecting the fetus during pregnancy, choose to lie down and rest more. If you rest for too long, the circulation will be poor, and the brain will suffer from hypoxia and circulation, and you will also feel dizzy. 4) The level of blood pressure after pregnancy is not necessarily high or low. The above are common, and Teacher Gigi also gives advice to pregnant mothers. It is still necessary to go to the hospital and check with the obstetrician to confirm. Changing mood and work and rest may improve soon. Practicing yoga asanas can activate the sense of oxygen in the brain, enhance the sense of circulation, and ease dizziness easily. It should be tried very much. Mommy, come on. Because I am pregnant with the second child, I often feel dizzy and dizzy. #gigiyogataiwantaichung #吳櫻芝瑜伽老師 #PregnantYoga #Yoga #yogateacher #yogapractice #Pregnant #台中瑜珈教室 #台中瑜伽 #台中瑜珈 #台中舞蹈教室 #台中孕婦瑜珈 #台中北屯孕婦瑜伽 #台中北屯孕婦瑜珈 #台中瑜珈課程 #台中北屯瑜伽 #台中瑜珈師資培訓 #台中瑜伽老師 #台中文心路崇德路瑜珈教室 #台中九宮格瑜珈教室
