瑜伽學員一千問:第三問 學員問:第一次學瑜珈需要注意那些事情?需要準備哪些東西物品?
瑜伽學員一千問:第三問 學員問:第一次學瑜珈需要注意那些事情?需要準備哪些東西物品? 學員問:第一次學瑜珈需要注意那些事情?需要準備哪些東西物品? 吳櫻芝Gigi老師答:第一次學習需要注意準備:1)呼吸有做到,才不會拉筋已經很痛還憋氣,憋氣時做伸展拉筋容易暈眩感,但呼吸很難,聽的懂做不到,但可以記得吸氣一直吸氣,氧氣放大腦的感覺,再順著做嘴吐氣。2)拉筋不勉強要心情專心,拉傷其實通常是很簡單的動作,專心就會比較不會受傷,不要想東想西。3)衣服需要透氣舒適的,最好是專業運動服,彈性高也透氣又好展開。4)準備毛巾擦汗,最好是長型運動毛巾,可以扣一些握不到的動作又可以擦汗。5)水瓶適量不需要太多,瑜伽不喝太多水,但要喝。6)特殊身體問題請先課前告知老師,比如側彎、免疫疾病、慢性病等,老師們才能為您調整注意喔!7)準備瑜伽墊。8)頭髮綁起來。9)消毒紙巾擦課後瑜伽用品。10)瑜伽磚輔助動作。 以上給新同學參考一下喔. 2022/12/16 A thousand questions for yoga students: the third question A student asks: What things should be paid attention to when learning yoga for the first time? What items need to be prepared? Teacher Wu Yingzhi Gigi: The first time you study, you need to pay attention to preparations: 1) If you can breathe well, you won’t hold your breath in the pain of stretching. When you hold your breath, you may feel dizzy when doing stretching and stretching, but it’s difficult to breathe, and you can understand I can't do it, but I can remember to inhale and keep inhaling, the feeling of releasing oxygen to the brain, and then exhale along the mouth. 2) Don’t force yourself to do Lajin. You need to concentrate. In fact, stretching is usually a very simple movement. If you concentrate, you will be less likely to be injured. Don’t think about it. 3) The clothes need to be breathable and comfortable, preferably professional sportswear, which are highly elastic, breathable and easy to unfold. 4) Prepare a towel to wipe sweat, preferably a long sports towel, which can be buckled for some movements that cannot be grasped and can wipe sweat. 5) The right amount of water bottle does not need too much, yoga does not drink too much water, but it is necessary to drink. 6) Please inform the teacher of special physical problems before class, such as scoliosis, immune diseases, chronic diseases, etc., so that the teachers can adjust and pay attention to you! 7) Prepare a yoga mat. 8) Hair tied up. 9) Disinfectant wipes for after-class yoga supplies. 10) Yoga bricks assist movements. Use the above as a reference for new students. 2022/12/16 #yogapractice #Yoga #yogateacher #yogaquestions #GigiYoga #gigiyogataiwantaichung #台中瑜伽老師 #台中瑜伽 #台中瑜珈課程 #台中瑜珈老師 #台中北屯瑜伽 #台中北屯瑜珈 #台中孕婦瑜珈 #cocoyogacocoyoga #空瑜伽cocoyoga