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產後瑜伽一百問: 第二問:我是剖腹產後,請問生完多久可以做瘦身運動?瑜伽是否可以上課呢? 吳櫻芝老師Gigi答: 產後出院剖腹生產後約為五天或一週出院,院後若在家做月子,可以自己做一些跪坐在床上與橋式伸展運動。 在月子中心都有配合的和緩瑜伽復原運動,近期幾年台灣都非常廣為推行練習的風氣;而若要講求到瘦身可能還需要看恢復肚子上傷口狀態而定,若做任何動作感覺到傷口刺痛,刺痛是不能做瘦身用力的運動,表示神經系統跟肌肉都未恢復正常,畢竟瘦身運動都是強而有力的核心肌群式,醫學書籍上說大刀過後至少6個月後才能恢復用力運動,建議媽媽感覺刺痛的傷口表示身體尚未完全恢復,還是不宜。瑜伽動作上述的跪坐試可以和緩水腫,產後胖的感覺多是水腫多,水腫和緩也會感覺瘦了,建議傷口復原後可以搭配泡澡,再帶凱格爾運動,Gigi老師在台中台灣產後瑜伽機構(媽媽咪啊產後護理之家)教學,有機會可以來上課學習二種站姿與躺姿式伸展運動喔,謝謝各位。 2022/12/18 One hundred questions about postpartum yoga: The second question: I have a caesarean section, how long after giving birth can I do weight-loss exercises? Can yoga be taught? Teacher Wu Yingzhi Gigi replied: Postpartum discharge. It takes about five days or a week after the caesarean section to be discharged from the hospital. If you are confinement at home after the hospital, you can do some kneeling on the bed and bridge stretching exercises by yourself. There is also a gentle yoga recovery exercise in confinement centers. In recent years, Taiwan has widely promoted the practice; and if you want to lose weight, it may depend on the recovery of the wound on the stomach. If you do any exercises and feel The wound is tingling, and the tingling means that you can’t do vigorous weight-loss exercises, which means that the nervous system and muscles have not returned to normal. After all, weight-loss exercises are all powerful core muscle groups. Medical books say that you can wait at least 6 months after the big knife. To resume vigorous exercise, it is recommended that mothers feel that the tingling wound indicates that the body has not fully recovered, and it is still not suitable. The above-mentioned kneeling and sitting yoga exercises can relieve edema. The feeling of postpartum fat is mostly due to edema, and edema will also make you feel thin. It is recommended to take a bath after the wound recovers, and then take Kegel exercises. Teacher Gigi is postpartum in Taichung, Taiwan Yoga institution (Mama Mia postpartum care home) teaching, if you have the opportunity, you can come to class to learn two kinds of stretching exercises in standing and lying positions, thank you. 2022/12/18 #gigiyogataiwantaichung #產後瑜伽 #產後瑜珈 #Yoga #yogateacher #YogaAsana #台中瑜伽老師 #台中瑜伽 #台中瑜珈 #台中北屯瑜伽 #台中北屯瑜珈
