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孕婦瑜伽學員常見問題一百問:瑜伽與孕期的好處相關連:第四問:課程洽line帳yingjy128 便秘是要做甚麼動作?


孕婦瑜伽學員常見問題一百問:瑜伽與孕期的好處相關連:第四問:課程洽line帳yingjy128 便秘是要做甚麼動作?

吳櫻芝Gigi老師答:椅子式,是瑜伽拜日式基礎中其中的基本動作,和緩便秘問題。成人瑜伽中更可廣義的解釋:蹲式伸展運動增加循環其子宮問題腎臟功能,好處多多喔。 One hundred frequently asked questions for pregnant women yoga students: yoga is related to the benefits of pregnancy: the fourth question: course contact line account yingjy128 Constipation is to do what action? Teacher Wu Yingzhi Gigi answered: Chair pose is one of the basic movements in the foundation of yoga sun salutation, and it relieves constipation. In adult yoga, it can be explained in a more general sense: squat stretching increases circulation, uterus problems, kidney function, and there are many benefits. 圖: #Chair #Postpartumyoga: #rowlochia #YogaforPregnancy: #RelievesConstipation #gigiyogataiwantaichung #吳櫻芝瑜伽老師 #PregnantYoga #Yoga #yogateacher #yogapractice #Pregnant #台中瑜珈教室 #台中瑜伽 #台中瑜珈 #台中舞蹈教室 #台中孕婦瑜珈 #台中北屯孕婦瑜伽 #台中北屯孕婦瑜珈 #台中瑜珈課程 #台中北屯瑜伽 #cocoyogacocoyoga #空瑜伽cocoyoga #空瑜珈cocoyoga #cocoyoga #瑜伽 #瑜珈
