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瑜伽學員常見一千問:第五問,我想上 #瑜伽,台中市 #瑜伽課程費用了解 ?#瑜伽教室費用 都是怎麼決定 #瑜伽價格 呢?


瑜伽學員常見一千問:第五問,我想上 #瑜伽,台中市 #瑜伽課程費用了解 ?#瑜伽教室費用 都是怎麼決定 #瑜伽價格 呢?

#吳櫻芝Gigi老師 答:Gigi從28歲到現在48歲開立 #舞蹈瑜伽教室 與#瑜伽教學 至今,在台中土生土長,在這行二十年的經驗跟大家說說,說說這麼多年的同業競爭價格經驗,給網友大家參考但不代表一定是這樣喔!價格真的是不一定的喔,價格還是以機構自訂為主,健身房是會員制,也有瑜伽課程但複合各種健身舞蹈性質難以跟一般以瑜伽為主教室比較,而價錢有時候是機構用環境教學型態決定約在200元左右調整上下價格,只要學生可以接受那樣價格,沒有甚麼一定,但在台中通常是一張 #瑜伽墊 300左右,教室有活動打折,堂課越多打折之類就更便宜,就了解早期 #台中教室 價格100到400不等,給大家參考一下囉! 2022/12/19 Yoga students frequently ask a thousand questions: Question five, I want to go to yoga, do you know the cost of yoga courses in Taichung City? How are yoga classroom fees determined #YogaPrice? #吳櫻芝Gigi老師 Teacher Answer: Gigi has opened dance yoga classrooms and yoga teaching since she was 28 years old to now 48 years old. She was born and raised in Taichung. She has 20 years of experience in this industry and would like to share with you the experience of competing prices in the same industry for so many years. , for the reference of netizens, but it does not mean that it must be like this! The price is really not fixed. The price is still based on the organization’s customization. The gym is a membership system, and there are also yoga classes, but the combination of various fitness and dance properties is difficult to compare with the general yoga-based classrooms, and the price is sometimes for the institutional environment. The teaching type decided to adjust the price around 200 yuan. As long as the students can accept the price, there is no guarantee, but in Taichung, it is usually around 300 for a #yoga mat. There are discounts for activities in the classroom, and the more classes there are, the more discounts are available It is cheaper, just know that the price of early Taichung classrooms ranged from 100 to 400, for your reference! 2022/12/19 #台中瑜伽 #台中瑜珈#台中北區瑜伽 #台中北屯瑜伽 #台中昌平路瑜伽
