
第二問:孕期幾個月後可以做瑜珈? 2022/12/14 答:孕期醫學上最穩定時段為五個月到八個月期間上瑜伽,而Gigi老師認為四個月後若無宮縮異常,胎盤前置問題,都可以上到生的那一天喔。 One hundred questions during pregnancy, one hundred questions about yoga for pregnant women: Second question: How many months after pregnancy can I do yoga? A: The most stable period of pregnancy medically is when you take yoga from five to eight months, and Teacher Gigi believes that if there is no abnormal uterine contraction or placenta previa after four months, you can go to the day of birth. #PregnantYoga #Yoga #yogateacher #yogapractice #Pregnant #台中瑜珈教室 #台中瑜伽 #台中瑜珈 #台中舞蹈教室 #台中孕婦瑜珈 #台中北屯孕婦瑜伽 #台中北屯孕婦瑜珈 #台中瑜珈課程 #台中北屯瑜伽 #台中瑜珈師資培訓 #台中瑜伽老師 #台中文心路崇德路瑜珈教室 #台中九宮格瑜珈教室