產後瑜伽一百問: 第四問:什麼是趴地俯臥 #凱格爾運動 ?
(瑜伽體位法貼地貓與蛇式結合限自然產), 身體前面趴躺地板,撐起兩手伸展眼鏡蛇式帶入吐氣肚子小,吸氣貼地貓式肚子大(在貓式時乳脹過痛請視情況進行改其他三種),但是眼睛蛇式收起髖骨變大變肥的感覺。 加入趴地俯臥凱格爾運動(媽媽咪產後護理之家2022/12/29上課中) 台中 #產後護理瑜伽,吳櫻芝老師教授凱格爾運動共四種 #瑜伽產後護理的方式: 1)站姿凱格爾運動(瑜伽體位法山式) 2)躺式凱格爾運動(瑜伽體位法橋式) 3)蹲式凱格爾運動(瑜伽體位桌子式) 4)趴地俯臥凱格爾運動(瑜伽體位法貼地貓與蛇式結合限自然產) 體位與凱格爾的不同? 呼吸法關聯與運動下方骨盆肌肉群用力連結才是凱格爾運動。 正確的凱格爾運動會在深處陰道有夾到的感覺。 #台中媽媽咪產後護理之家 #媽媽咪產後護理之家陽光館 #媽媽咪產後護理之家公益路一段一館 #護理之家 #護理月期內問題 #台中產後瑜伽 #台中產後瑜珈 #台中昌平路產後瑜伽 #台中昌平路產後瑜珈 #台中北屯瑜伽 #台中北屯瑜珈 每週文章更新: 每週一產後瑜伽100問。 每週二常見瑜伽問題1000問。 每週三孕婦瑜珈100問。 感謝各位。 2022/12/24起 #吳櫻芝老師產後瑜珈與孕期瑜伽專欄 One hundred questions about postpartum yoga: Question 4: What is Kegel exercise lying on the ground? (Yoga asanas combined with ground cat and snake pose are limited to natural birth), Lie on the floor in front of the body, prop up your hands and stretch out the Cobra Pose and exhale. The belly is small, inhale and stick to the floor. A feeling of enlarged and fattened hip bones. Participate in lying prone Kegel exercises (classes are in session on December 29, 2022 at Mommy's postpartum care home) Taichung #Postpartum Nursing Yoga, Teacher Wu Yingzhi teaches a total of four Kegel exercises #Yoga postpartum care: 1) Standing Kegel exercise (Yoga posture method mountain pose) 2) Lying Kegel Exercise (Yoga Asana Bridge Pose) 3) Squat Kegel Exercise (Yoga Posture Desk Pose) 4) Prone Kegel exercises on the floor Are postures different from Kegel's? Kegel exercise is the combination of breathing method and the vigorous connection of the pelvic muscles below the exercise. Proper Kegel exercises can cause a pinching sensation deep in the vagina. #Taichung Mommy Postpartum Nursing Home #妈妈Mi Postpartum Nursing Home Sunshine Pavilion #妈妈妈postpartum care home, first hall, Section 1, Gongyi Road #nursing home #Problems during the nursing month #Taichung Postpartum Yoga #Taichung P #Taichung Mommy Postpartum Nursing Home #妈妈Mi Postpartum Nursing Home Sunshine Pavilion #妈妈妈postpartum care home, first hall, Section 1, Gongyi Road #nursinghome #Problemsduringthenursingmonth #TaichungPostpartumYoga #TaichungPostpartumYoga #TaichungChangpingRoadPostpartumYoga #TaichungChangpingRoadPostpartumYoga #TaichungBeitunYoga #TaichungBeitunYoga